The TU854 MTU can have up to 8 I/O channels and 2+2 processvoltage connections. Each channel has two I/O connections and oneZP connection. Input signals are connected via individual shuntsticks, TY801. The shunt stick is used to choose between voltage andcurrent input. The maximum rated voltage is 50 V and maximum ratedcurrent is 2 A per channel. The MTU distributes the two ModuleBuses,one to each I/O module and to the next MTU. It also generates thecorrect address to the I/O modules by shifting the outgoing positionsignals to the next MTU.The MTU can be mounted on a standard DIN rail. It has a mechanicallatch that locks the MTU to the DIN rail.Four mechanical keys, two for each I/O module, are used to configurethe MTU for different types of I/O modules. This is only a mechanicalconfiguration and it does not affect the functionality of the MTU orthe I/O module. Each key has six positions, which gives a totalnumber of 36 different configurations

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برای خرید بالای 5 میلیون تومان

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