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محصولات مرتبط
1005A Series
Robust and reliable analog and digitally integrated instruments for measurement of temperature with up to 6 contacts for control of transformer temperature. These products are suitable for all types of transformers where the accuracy required is 1% of FSD
Model 1001 has been discontinued due to mercury switches being banned. Alternatively, you can select the model 1005A Series
General Features:
- Fully sealed liquid expansion system provides self-powered indication and operation and does not require any trimming or other periodic adjustments.
- Instruments are fully compensated for ambient temperature.
- WTIs have a built in Thermal imaging system to simulate transformer’s hot spot indication.
- WTIs are provided with gradient adjustment through a shunt for CT secondary input current.
- Optional embedded PT-100 sensors (up to 2 sensors) in the sensing bulb of the local OTI / WTI provide for a master indication at control room and Scada compatibility
- Instrument cases are aluminum die casted and polyester powder coated with standard ingress protection of IP55 and Corrosion protection up to 500 Hours of neutral salt spray
- Maximum pointer facility is provided and can be reset from outside.
- External Switch test knob is provided to test switch function at the time of commissioning.
- All switch contacts are potential free micro switches.
- Optional Product compliance IEC 60076-22-1.
مدل نامبر (پارت نامبر)
رنج دما
0 تا 150 °C
تعداد سوئیچ
2 عدد قابل تنظیم
دیدگاه خود را بنویسید